IInternational Conference  «Ion Transport in Organic and Inorganic Membranes»

May 25 30, 2025

Annual International Conference is organized and held by the Membrane Institute, Kuban State University, and the Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the RAS jointly with the Russian membrane society and RAS Scientific Council on Electrochemistry. 

The conference is dedicated to actual problems of membrane science and promotes the exchange of scientific and technical information between Russian and foreign specialists. Objectives of the Conference also include the formation and development of scientific links between the Russian and foreign scientific centers and schools, the coordination of research between scientific partners. Traditionally, the conference addresses fundamental and applied issues related to the synthesis, structure and properties of monopolar, bipolar and modified organic and inorganic ion exchange membranes; ion and water transport in membranes and membrane systems; interface phenomena; theoretical and experimental studies of the electro- and pressure driven processes of desalination, concentration, separation and purification of liquid mixtures, electromembrane synthesis, energy generation as well as hybrid membrane methods for the environmental protection. 

Companies that manufacture membrane materials and use membrane technologies are invited to the Conference. Among them are OJSC "Plastpolymer", OJSC "Shchekinoazot", OJSC "Polymersintez", JSC "Kamenskvolokno", JSC Uralchem, OJSC Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant, JSC TVEL and others. This allows bridging the gap between fundamental science and practical solution of specific problems.

The conference program will include plenary (30 min. including questions) lectures, oral presentations (15-20 minutes, including questions) and poster presentations.

Competition of young scientists working in the field of membranes and membrane technology is traditionally held within the framework of the conference. In this competition, young scientists (up to 35 years old) represent the results of their research to the Competition Commission in the form of oral presentations (15 min. including questions).

The assessment of the knowledge and creative potential of novice researchers (students, PhD students of the 1st and 2nd years) is carried out during the Russian YoungMemBrain (RYM) competition. These young researchers are given the opportunity to make a short presentation (5-7 min.), followed by questions of a jury on the report and related topics.

The third competition is that of the poster presentations of the young participants who did not take part in the competitions with oral presentations. 

The best young scientists and researchers are awarded diplomas and memorable gifts.

Round tables on the topics: "Membrane materials for alternative energy sources", "International cooperation in the field of membrane technology", "Water treatment using membrane technology", "Prospects of development of electromembrane technologies" with the participation of leading scientists from universities, academic institutions, as well as representatives from companies are held in the framework of conferences.


Program Сommittee

Yaroslavtsev A.B., Corresponding Member RAS (Russia) – Chairman

Bazinet Laurent, Prof. (Canada)
Biesheuvel Maarten, Prof. (The Netherlands)

Bildyukevich A.V., Prof. (Belarus)

Kabay Nalan, Prof. (Turkey)

Khokhlov A.R., Academician RAS (Russia)
Nemudriy A.P., Corresponding Member RAS (Russia)

Novak Lubos, President of MEGA JSC (Czech Republic)

Ozerin A.N., Corresponding Member RAS (Russia)

Rubinstein Isaak, Prof. (Israel)

Ryzhkov I.I., Prof. (Russia)

Smirnova N.V., Prof. (Russia)

Starov Victor, Prof. (Great Britain)

Volkov V.V., Prof. (Russia)

Xu Tongwen, Prof. (China)


Organizing Committee

Zabolotsky V.I., Academician Int. Hi. Ed. Acad., Prof. (Russia) – Co-chairman

Nikonenko V.V., Prof. (Russia) – Co-chairman

Kononenko N.A., Prof. (Russia) - Conference Secretariat

Dammak Lasaad, Prof., (France)

Falina I.V., Prof. (Russia)

Filippov A.N., Prof. (Russia)

Pismenskaya N.D., Prof. (Russia)

Sheldeshov N.V., Prof. (Russia)

Shkirskaya S.A., PhD (Russia)

Vasilieva V.I. Prof. (Russia)

Volfkovich Yu.M. Prof. (Russia)

Vorotyntsev M.A., Prof. (Russia)

Wang Yaoming, Prof. (China)

Wu Liang, Prof. (China)
Zaltzman Boris, Prof., (Israel)


Local Committee

Achokh A.R.

Brovkina M.A., PhD

Butylskiy D.Yu., PhD

Gil V.V., PhD

Eterevskova S.I.

Kozmai A.E., PhD

Kutenko N.A.

Loza N.V., PhD

Loza S.A., PhD

Mareev S.A., PhD

Melnikov S.S., PhD

Ponomar M.A.

Porozhnyy M.V., PhD

Ruleva V.D., PhD

Titskaya E.V., PhD

Conference photos 2019

Conference photos 2021 (disk1) and (disk2)

Conference photos 2023

Conference photos 2024